What Is Done with Personal Data

It is displayed and used on the customer card in Lime CRM. It is also stored in a log table in Lime CRM.

Why Personal Data Is Needed

To present a complete picture of the customer in Lime CRM.

What Personal Data

Name, social security number, address, phone and email of the customers.

Transfer of Personal Data

The information is included in calls to the Lime CRM REST API. Those calls are done over HTTPS.

Logging of Personal Data

Received messages are stored in a log table in Lime CRM. A job to delete the messages after X days can be scheduled.

Possible Avoidance of Using Personal Data

It is possible to configure so that the personal data fields will not be mapped to fields in Lime CRM. But the information will remain in the messages sent.


Anonymization of BFUS data is done in BFUS and since changes are syncronized the same changes will be made in Lime CRM.